WildPhotography by Justin Welbergen
Prof Justin Welbergen leads the Lab of Animal Ecology at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (Western Sydney University, Australia).
In his spare time he is an enthusiastic nature photographer and this interest takes him to many remote locations in Australia and beyond.
Justin's academic interests are in behavioural ecology, climate change biology and conservation, and his work focuses on the ways in which animals respond to changes in their social, ecological, and physical environment. You can read his work in SCIENCE, Nature Climate Change, Current Biology and Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B (2,3), among others; as well as in high-profile reviews in Annual Reviews in Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, Biological Reviews, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, and Animal Behaviour (for details see here).
In his spare time he is an enthusiastic nature photographer and this interest takes him to many remote locations in Australia and beyond.
Justin's academic interests are in behavioural ecology, climate change biology and conservation, and his work focuses on the ways in which animals respond to changes in their social, ecological, and physical environment. You can read his work in SCIENCE, Nature Climate Change, Current Biology and Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B (2,3), among others; as well as in high-profile reviews in Annual Reviews in Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, Biological Reviews, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, and Animal Behaviour (for details see here).